Liberty Hall Historic Site is managed by a staff of two full-time staff, ten part-time staff, and one contract employee.
Full-time Staff:
- To Be Announced, Executive Director, director@libertyhall.org
- John Walker, Curator of Collections, curator@libertyhall.org
Part-time Staff:
- Amy Airth, Administrative Assistant, admin@libertyhall.org
- Nicole Bennett, Marketing Specialist, info@libertyhall.org
- Elizabeth Bowling, Education Specialist, educator@libertyhall.org
- Hunter Bryant, Gardener
- Isabel Cochran, Garden Curator, gardens@libertyhall.org
- Judy Collins, Bookkeeper, bookkeeper@libertyhall.org
- Matt Hall, Interpreter
- Jacob Lilly, Interpreter
- Kelly Sparrow, Interpreter
- Sophi Watson, Interpreter
Contract Staff:
- Brent Roberts, Lawn Maintenance
Liberty Hall Historic Site is owned and operated by The National Society of The Colonial Dames of America in The Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Board of Directors (May 2024-April 2026)
- Ann Fleming, President
- Lisa Barr, 1st Vice President/President Elect
- Mary Bradley, 2nd Vice President/Museum Properties
- Sue Chenault, Corresponding Secretary
- Alice Legette, Recording Secretary
- Stephanie Smith, Treasurer
- Sarah Grimmer, Registrar
- Myra Prewitt, Historian
- Elizabeth Rightmyer, Past President
Committee Chairs:
- Louise Medaris, Historical Activities
- Lisbon Hardy, Patriotic Service
- Jennie Leavell, Communications/Marketing
- Stephanie Griffin, Development
- Gina Helvey, Human Resources
- Holly Gray, Membership
- Harriet Wood, Programs
- Mary Helen Myles, Strategic Planning
Managers At-Large:
- Laura Benson Jones
- Holly Poling
- Kit Davis, Gunston Hall
- Janie Pappas, Dumbarton House
- Muffy Stuart, Sulgrave Manor